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Frequently Asked Questions
How long does a custom piece take?
Depending on size and complexity, pieces can take 2 weeks to 4 months to create. Starting the process with a conversation and design choice allows for an exact timeline.
How much does a commissioned piece cost?
Based on the unique nature of each piece, there is no standard price. During the initial consultation we'll work together to fine tune a sketch for your vision along with a firm price and timeframe. A deposit of half the agreed upon price is required to begin, with the balance due upon completion.
Is each piece one of a kind?
Absolutely. Since creative reuse materials are generally considered to have no value each project begins with connecting with the community in new ways to obtain the ideal material. I value my clients input as well, creating works that reflect their desire as well as mine. Have a cause close to your heart? Lets begin there!
Where does the material come from?
Material is gathered from various sources like clean up projects, construction sites and renovations, second hand stores, or donations from individuals and organizations and individuals. They are then combined with traditional art material. I have used leftover materials from the building of client's property and paint from a childhood room in the past, adding to the uniqueness of the finished piece.